Urban Gardening
Urban gardening is creating small oases in the middle of town. But we think Berlin could be greener! Here you can learn all about the AMPELMANN Urban Gardening project.
Wie funktioniert das AMPELMANN Urban Gardening?
Reap what you sow!
Green oases being realised
The Theodor-Heuss school is going green!
Green and fun to join in! Our first urban gardening venture at the Theodor-Heuss school has begun and is supported by the natural sciences and cultural Bildungsverbund in Moabit.
As part of the summer fate on the 14th of July we built and planted a raised bed together with school children. Further beds are already being planned. The children can get hands on experience with nature, watch plants grow, try herbs and obtain a sense of responsibility in caring for their plants.

In the new school year the building and care of the raised beds will be part of the curriculum for the middle and senior students. Seating with integrated planting is also being planned for the school playground in spring 2018.
The grand opening took place during the school summer fate with the school director Ms Brüske-Dierker, Mr Büttner from the natural sciences and cultural Bildungsverbund in Moabit and Afke Huitema from AMPELMANN all taking part. Of course the stars of the day were the school children! Apart from the construction and planting of the bed, thh most fun was had during the Herb test. The children demonstrated their good taste recognizing all herbs such as mint, basil and rosmery.
One School for all!
The Theordor-Heuss School
At the school in Moabit children from year one to thirteen learn together. The school currently has approximately 670 pupils. Click here for further information.
Bildungsverbund Moabit
The association supports education centers helping them to raise their profiles and is strengthening education in the borough Moabit. Projects in the areas of the natural sciences and culture are a particular strong point. You can find further information on the work of the Bildungsverbund here.